Caravan cleaning services

Caravan cleaning service.


Caravan cleaning process

First step in the caravan cleaning is to talk to the customer and find out exactly what you are expecting. Once the expectation has been set I can then run through the procedure and how the caravan will be washed.

No high pressure wash is used on the caravan as this can cause damage to older vans if seals are not so good.  

For very dirty caravans 

Heavy duty wash is used to remove the streaks and stains, once washed it is recommended that a wax is applied to the caravan to seal  the surface. This will reduce the amount of dirt the sticks to the caravan over time.

Pricing: $300-$450

For Caravans not so dirty

Wash and wax product is used to remove the dirt and as the wax is added into the product the caravan has a similar look to the hand waxing process.

Pricing: $150-$250

Caravan roof cleaning

This is an area that can be an issue as most people when washing a caravan can’t do the roof as it is too high for them to reach.

When cleaning caravan roofs you must use the correct tools so you can complete the task in a safe way.

Pricing if only needing the roof cleaned: $80-$120

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Awning cleaning

Awnings are not an easy thing to clean and take time to be done right with cloths and sponges.

Pricing if only needing the awning cleaned: $40-$80

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All the time and care is taken when cleaning caravans to make sure you are happy with the result and you will then recommend me to you friends.
